

Defence, Aerospace


UAS/UAV (Hawker)

Designed for a versatile platform that can carry a wide range of payloads, from basic EOIR to CBRNe payloads. It provides real-time situational awareness on the battlefield and is directly connected to the C2. The Hawker is equipped with a bottom plug-and-play connector to attach payloads up to 1Kg. It has been developed with a series of payloads compatible with Hawker. The payload can be customized to fit special user requirements. The Hawker is an all-weather platform, ruggedized IP65 that can withstand rain up to 10 mm/h. It is used in heavy rain conditions, snow, fog, and desert conditions. Designed to resist harsh weather conditions, the Hawker resists to wind conditions up to 70 kph and gusts rated 90 kph. The payload has also been designed to work in strong wind conditions. With its encrypted datalink and video transmission, the HAWKER is resistant to cyberattacks. It can also operate in a GPS-denied environment in manual mode thanks to its intuitive operator interface and ruggedized control tablet. When flying persistently for several hours is necessary, then it can be tethered. The battery is replaced by the onboard tethered module which allows continuous tethered flight for several hours. The drone can switch to a non-tethered supply by using a standard battery pack. The Hawker integrates the lightweight sensor to provide real-time mapping for radiological detection, measurement, and identification of nuclides. Applications: environmental surveys, military reconnaissance, Radiological Dispersal or Exposure Device (RDD or RED) detection, hospitals/industry fire hazards, nuclear power plant emergency response. All parts of the HAWKER are detachable and assembled without any tools. Maintenance purposes are simplified as any part of the system can be replaced easily. Batteries, motor arms, and payloads are all swappable.

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